The Blog - Extracts from the show are posted here and the blogs serves its purose of being a crucial element to my study and research on womens issues relating to popular culture and current political affairs that affect the everyday lives of women directly. I have enjoyed sharing my poetry, photography art and sketches, and videosI stumbled across on the net that reflect themes of womanhood.
the evolutionary steps to making a full length show is a whole other ball game to standing behind a mic at a gig or a slam. The most revelatory part of this journey is how the passion for the subject and commitment to making the show has been fuelled. The Process has also been as much a personal evolution as it is for the development of the piece. Read how the process has worked to date.
Mum & Me - Our story is like the mapping of a schizophrenic dance, where the only solace found, when things got tough, was in each other. As the years pass, this closeness mutates into a clautophobia as the pressures and expectation of age, being women and women of colour, crowd the hopes and aspirations we had for ourselves and each other. The beauty of the relationship is the triumphs we enjoyed as a result of the aggravation we cause each other. "And we always end up laughing at the storm..."
Travelling Light Poetry - As a performance poet , I strive to bring language to life - the page is as much the stage as live behind a mic in a bar or filling a studio theatre. The poetry on the page are reflections inspired by conversation with women and men that come up casually and
Workshops - from analyzing Beyonce videos to the "Unpacking Sessions" Womahoond and gender in the 21st century popular culture and politics Travelling Light workshops are contemorary interpretations of traditional weaving or quilting sessions of the past. Thethe candid and funny discussions reveal the consious and subconscious feelings that women of diverse ages and cultures experience universally and the various ways we navigate through the fast changing pace of modern living.