What is it ?
Travelling Light is a feast of poetic story-telling binding three generations of women, through a gritty and moving autobiographical account of a fractious and touching mother/daughter relationship.
It is a multi- artformed account of a mother, daughter of a Windrush Migrant from the Island of Nevis , who is reunited with her own mother after 60 years of seperation. But it is her daughter, the poet performer who retells this story through her own eyes and the mouths of other 'factional' characters who bring the show to dynamic life.
The Performance
Travelling Light is a docu-poem which unpacks the paradoxes that haunt and challenge gender definition and role playing in society. Through the crafts of poetry/spoken word, visuals, song, movement and blogging, Zena Edwards propels the audience through a time warp of evolution in Womanhood, touching on themes of sex, domesitc violence, family and love relationships, mental health, rites of passage, race, and the illusions, dreams and evolving aspirations of a young women though some of the most challenging eras of modern Womanhood.
The Inspiration
"The idea for the show came from my life experiences of growing up an only child of a single parent from a scattered Caribbean family circumstance in North London. On our first trip to the island of Nevis in August 2009, we discovered that my mothers mother had been living for the past 45 years in the South East of London. She's 82 and still alive. Incredible. " - Zena Edwards
Travelling Light & ©V:iD
TL's multi-artform delivery and the universal nature of it's content is a good example of the kind of work that adheres to ©V:iD mission. The R&D stages of TL involves participartoy workshops and collaborations with other in the UK and internationally artists. Check the MAKING TL label for more information about this.